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Japanese Text Reader with Online Dictionary Search & Yomikata Lookup
Version 2.5
J.W. Breen
January 1995
This program provides a PC operating under MS-DOS with the capability to read
and display a text file containing Japanese characters (kana & kanji), with
the option of looking up the displayed words in a Japanese/English dictionary
file or in a kanji-to-kana yomikata file.
The Japanese characters in the text files can either be in the EUC, New-JIS,
Old-JIS or Shift-JIS codes. Hankaku codes are supported for Shift-JIS, but
not for EUC. Codes which are not supported, such as NEC-JIS or EUC-hankaku,
can be converted into one of the supported codes using a utility such as
Although JREADER is intended to help non-Japanese people read Japanese
language text files, it can also be used by Japanese to read English text.
Its usefulness in this role is limited by the dictionary, which is more
oriented to the Japanese to English mode, and the fact that the dictionary
search cannot cope with things like English's "strong" verbs (swim/swam/swum,
be/am/are, go/went, etc.).
JREADER is an extension of the author's JDIC (Japanese/English Dictionary
Display) program, which has been designed specifically to operate on a
dictionary in the "EDICT" format originally used by the MOKE (Mark's Own
Kanji Editor) Japanese text editor. As with JDIC, JREADER's operating
environment has been designed to be similar to MOKE's, and it can use the
same environment variables and control file as MOKE.
The executable code and documentation of JREADER is hereby released to the
public for general use. It is covered by the author's copyright, and may be
freely distributed with the proviso that it not be distributed as part of a
commercial system without the author's permission. All usage of this program
is at the user's risk, and there is no warranty on its performance.
All the Japanese displayed is in kana and kanji, so if you cannot read at
least hiragana and katakana, this program will not be much use for you. The
author has NO intention of producing a version using romanized Japanese.
JREADER is an extension of JDIC, and shares a similar operating method as
JDIC. Consequently this document file only includes details of where JREADER
differs from JDIC. Please make sure you have and read the appropriate
JDICnn.doc file.
This program is distributed in a "zoo" archive (jdic25.zoo). Both JDIC and
JREADER share a common operating environment. Please follow the installation
details in JDIC25.DOC, which is in the "JDIC25.ZOO" file.
In addition, to get the full function from JREADER, you should have the files
WSKTOK.DAT and WSKTOK.IND. These are the kanji_to_kana file from MOKE and
its index file. Without them the "y" (yomikata lookup) function will not
operate. If you are a MOKE user (Version 2.0 or later) you will have them.
The author has produced an expanded form of the WSKTOK.DAT file by adding in
the additional entries in EDICT, plus further entries from the full WNN and
SKK dictionaries. This is available in the WSKWNN.ZOO file, along with a
matching WSKTOK.IND index file.
(For the curious, there is an explanation of these files in an Appendix to
JREADER uses the same environment variables and JDIC.RC/MOKE.RC fields as
JDIC (and MOKE). These affect things like paths and colours. See JDIC25.DOC
for details.
JREADER has one special (optional) entry in the JDIC.RC/MOKE.RC file. The
verb/adjective deinflection function (see below) can be disabled by the
following line in JDIC.RC/MOKE.RC:
jverb off
The default is for this option to be enabled.
JREADER is simple to operate. The command-line invocation is:
jreader <options> text-file(s)
The same -l, -f, -v, -cDIR and -bnn options are used as in JDIC. In
addition, JREADER uses:
-sn (3 < n < 8) specifies that the text window is to use n/10 of the screen,
The default is n = 7.
-ddictionary-file specifies the file that is to be used as the dictionary,
along with an index file with an extension of ".jdx".
This latter file must be created using the JDXGEN utility.
The default is "edict" with "edict.jdx" as the index file,
or "jtoe.dct" and "jtoe.jdx", whichever is present.
-Llogfile specifies the name of a file to log possible new "edict" entries.
The default name is "jreader.log".
-/search_string specifies a string for which a search is invoked when the
file is read. See the section below on searching for
strings. The same options are available as in a string
entered from the keyboard, and as well a serach string can
be in (EUC coded) kanji or kana.
One or more file names can be provided. MS-DOS wildcards can be used also.
The working screen of JREADER contains two windows. The upper displays the
text being read, the lower displays control information, and the dictionary
and yomikata search results.
The lower window also displays a short "help" display when the window is not
being used for a regular display. The help display can be turned off by the
"-v" command-line option and the "verbose off" line in the JDIC.RC file. It
can also be toggled on and off by the "o" command.
The first screenful of the text file is displayed when the program starts.
From then on most operation is by single keystroke commands. They are:
<PgDn> reads the next screen of the file. The last line of the previous
screen is repeated as the first line of the next.
<PgUp> reads the previous screen of the file. The backspacing technique
involves backspacing the number of lines on the current screen, so it should
usually result in the previous screen being displayed, unless there are a
number of "folded" lines.
<Ctrl-PgUp> restarts the file from the beginning.
<Ctrl-PgDn> skips to the end of the file, and displays the last 10 lines.
<Arrow> The four arrow keys can be used to position the cursor under a
character which may be used as the start of a key for a dictionary search. A
down-arrow while on the last line causes the display to scroll down one line,
and an up-arrow on the first line causes an upwards scroll.
<Enter> positions the cursor at the start of the next line.
<End> positions the cursor at the end of the current line.
<Home> positions the cursor at the start of the current line.
<Ctrl-Home> positions the cursor at the start of the screen.
<Ctrl-End> positions the cursor at the last line of the screen.
<Space> triggers a dictionary search using the string of characters beginning
with the one marked by the cursor. (See below.)
<a> the same dictionary search as <space>, but if the search key begins with
one or more kanji characters, the search will match against any occurrence of
the character(s) among kanji compounds in the dictionary, instead of just
those at the start of compounds.
</> invokes a prompt for a string of characters, the file is searched
forwards, starting at the *second* line on the display, until a line is found
containing that string. This scan is case sensitive.
There are two special options with this search:
(i) if the entered string begins with a "\", the remainder is treated as
a hexadecimal coding of one or more kanji or kana. If the first character
of the code is a "k", the coding is treated as Kuten-encoded, and if it
is an "s", it is treated as Shift-JIS. For example, \k3214 is a
Kuten-encoded kanji and \s82a4 is Shift-JIS encoded kana, while \3b7a is
a JIS encoded kanji.
(Note that it is possible to obtain an incorrect match on occasions when
using this option, particularly when searching for a single kanji. The
scan uses a simple "strstr" function, which is not sensitive to the
boundaries of individual kanji or kana, and thus may find a match on the
the combination of the second byte of one character, and the first of the
(ii) if the first character is a "?", the *previous* search is repeated.
Note that an initial search string can be entered as a command-line option.
In all cases the search can be abandoned by pressing the Esc key.
<c> triggers a search similar to the "/" command, except the key is taken
from the screen, starting at the cursor position. You are asked for the
length of the key, which may be up to 9 characters long (kana, kanji or
ASCII). You may repeat the search using the "/" command with the "?" option.
<l> logs the character string marked by the cursor to a file (default is
"jreader.log"). The logged data is in "edict" format, i.e. `kanji [kana]
/english .../', with the logged characters being inserted in the `kanji'
field. You will be prompted for the string length (up to 9 characters). If
you respond with Enter, and the cursor is on a Kanji, all the kanji in the
compound will be logged. You are also given the option of adding up to 50
characters of English to the logged entry. (The main purpose of the logging
function is to generate a file of Japanese words which are not currently in
the dictionary file. This file can be edited later, the yomikata and English
translation added or modified, and the entries included in the full
<y> invokes a scan of the "WSKTOK.DAT" file to find the yomikata of the kanji
compound starting with the character at the cursor. [This option only works
if the "WSKTOK.DAT" and "WSKTOK.IND" files are available, i.e. you need
either to be a MOKE (2.0 or later) user, or you need to have obtained the
files separately from the "WSKWNN.ZOO" archive.] The longest matching
sequence is displayed, and you are given the option of logging this entry
(kanji and kana) to the "JREADER.LOG" file, along with up to 50 characters of
English. In combination with the <l> option above, this option provides a
useful way of building up the dictionary file.
<n> looks up and displays various details about the character at the cursor.
If the character is kana or ASCII, the JIS or hexadecimal code is displayed.
For kanji, the information displayed is the JIS code in hex, the Nelson
number, the Halpern number, the Radical number (Bushu), the stroke count, the
on and kun readings, the English meaning(s) and a number of other information
fields. This function requires the "KINFO.DAT" file to be present. (See
JDIC25.DOC and KANJIDIC.DOC for further information.)
<s> skips ahead in the text file to a line starting with "Article:" or
"Subject:". This is to simplify reading a file containing several Japanese
news items.
<k> skips the cursor to the start of the next Kanji compound. If Automatic
Lookup mode is active, the dictionary is searched for this compound. (See
<w> skips the cursor to the start of the next of the next English word. i.e.
the first slphabetic character after a non-alphabetic.
<f> initiates the opening of either the next file on the command line, or a
totally new file. You are prompted for more details.
<m> displays the next window of dictionary matches (if any).
<d> displays a status report of the files in use, the position in the file
being read, the buffer usage, and the state of user configurable switches.
Note that the line position is not always accurate if there have been some
PgUps, and particularly if the Ctrl-PgDn skip_to_EOF option has been used,
which case the line count is set to 9999.
<j> jump ahead a number of lines. There is a prompt asking for the number.
<v> toggles the verb deinflection function between enabled and disabled.
<b> toggles the automatic blanking of the lower window. Normally the display
on the lower window is left there until the next search, log, etc. is carried
out. Some users prefer not to have such displays present. The <b> command
toggles on and off a function which will blank the lower window on any
keystroke following a search.
<o> toggles the production of the help display in the lower window. (When
this option is in use, it over-rides the operation of the automatic blanking
of the lower window.)
<F1> Displays a summary of the keyboard commands.
<F2> Toggles Automatic Lookup mode (See <k> above.)
The dictionary search is similar to the one used in JDIC, except that the key
is taken from the text being displayed, rather than from keyboard input.
Thus the search can be on keys consisting of kanji compounds, as well as kana
and ascii.
Starting with the character marked by the cursor, the longest match is found
and displayed, followed by the next longest, and so on. Usually the first
match is the one you want. The dictionary display is identical to that in
JDIC, except that each line is preceded by the number of matched characters.
If there are more matched lines than fit in the window, pressing "m" displays
the next window-full.
When a dictionary search is initiated for text which consists of a single
kanji followed by two or more kana, JREADER checks to see if it one of the
common verb or adjective conjugations or inflections, and if so, examines the
dictionary using the derived "plain" or "dictionary form" of the word. The
user may then proceed with a normal search. The inflection details used are
in the file "VCONJ", which may be modified by the user. Note that this
feature can be disabled by setting "jverb off" in the JDIC.RC/MOKE.RC file,
or by omitting the VCONJ file. It can also be turned on or off dynamically
with the "v" command.
This function is not highly sophisticated, and will not always produce the
right result, particularly when handling the more obscure grammatical forms
which use the "-masu stem" of verbs. It is correct, however, over 95% of the
time, and eliminates the problem of having the dictionary entry matching the
selected text only appearing about 20 or 30 lines down the display.
The "WSKTOK.DAT" file contains thousands of kanji compounds with their
readings in kana. It is sorted, and indexed on the first byte of the first
character in the "WSKTOK.IND" file. JREADER seeks into and scans this file
for the longest matching sequence of characters. Only one such compound is
displayed. The present author has expanded the original MOKE file, and the
expanded version is available in the WSKWNN.ZOO archive.
The kanji information displayed by the <n> command is in the file
"KINFO.DAT". KINFO.DAT is built from the "KANJIDIC" file. See the
KANJIDIC.DOC file for the full details on this information, and the Appendix
to JDIC25.DOC for the structure of KINFO.DAT.
JREADER can be used successfully on the tiny HP100LX Palmtop (and probably
other emerging PCs of this type.) See JDIC25.DOC for more details of this.
The author operates JREADER on a Palmtop by:
(a) installing it in the Application Manager as a call to a batch file, i.e.
the "Path" box contains: "a:\kanji\jrbat.bat|350". Note that the "|" is the
upside-down "!".
(b) creating a batch file (JRBAT.BAT) containing the following lines:
@echo off
input File Name(s) for JREADER? :
jreader -f -s6 %ANS%
The "input.com" utility, which is in the JDICPALM.ZOO archive, is a PD
program which enables a text string (e.g. a file name) to be passed to
JREADER via the "ANS" environment variable.
V1.1 - Yomikata lookup, TAB expansion, Shift-JIS reading, PgUp for previous
V2.0 - Larger Help Screen, double-Escape to exit, "n" command to look up
Nelson, etc. information, alternative font files and dictionary names,
multiple input files, file restart, single-line scrolling, text search,
paging of font and index files, capability of handling a dictionary up to 1.5
V2.1 - Adds the ability to match a kanji with any occurrence of it in the
dictionary (the <a> function).
V2.2 - Removes the 1.5Mbyte restriction on dictionary size. Tidies up the
kanji display (<n> option).
V2.3 - Added the verb/adjective deinflector facility, the <j> and <d>
options, the Kuten field in the kanji display. Enabled the display of the
last 4 JIS2 kanji when using the K16JIS2.FNT file. Added the JDIC.RC file.
The -cDIR command-line option. Improved the search speed, and the
line-folding in the dictionary and kanji display.
V2.4 - compressed the display, including introducing user-selectable font
spacing, and rearranging the lower window to enable better operation on CGA
displays (e.g. the HP Palmtop.) Added the <b> blanking of the lower screen,
and the "Searching ..." message. Added the handling of half-width kana in
SJIS files. For text searching, added the <c> option, the "\" setting of
JIS, SJIS and Kuten, the command-line option, and the "?" repeat. Expanded
the "d" display, and fixed the erroneous line counts. Added the help display
in the lower window.
V2.5 - the EDICT Extension file facility <e>.
JREADER is to me a natural extension of JDIC, and further exploits the fast
dictionary scanning technique used therein. It also has been written with a
need in mind. I had been using Mark Edwards' excellent VIEW and MOKE to read
fj.* news (using the SNUZ news reader.) I was frustrated by the slowness of
the English lookup in MOKE (a sequential read of the entire file) and its
refusal to add a compound to the dictionary if it was not in the kanji/kana
henkan file. Also both MOKE and VIEW require precise delineation of the
search string using several keystrokes. This can result in several slow
attempts to find meanings for portions of a kanji compound. What I wanted
was something friendlier and faster in a reading environment, with the
capability of providing updates to my EDICT dictionary.
From this grew JREADER, and it has turned out to be a very powerful Japanese
text reader, with many devoted users around the world. (JREADER's code
actually formed the basis of the code for XJDIC, the Unix X11 port of JDIC,
because XJDIC provides virtually all of JREADER's functionality through the
kterm cut_and_paste facility.) To my delight, the compilers of the Walnut
Creek "East Asian Text Processing" CDROM sought my permission to include
JREADER as the default Japanese text reader.
As with the JDIC program, I am grateful to the many beta-testers, and the
people who have suggested operational improvements, many of which I have been
able to incorporate.
As ever, comments and suggestions are welcome.
Jim Breen (jwb@capek.rdt.monash.edu.au)
Department of Robotics & Digital Technology
Monash University
Melbourne, Australia
Nov 1991 - March 1995